Jessica Ross
Game Developer and Artist

9+ years in the indie game development industry, publishing titles for PC, Mobile, Web, and Console, and an additional 5 years working in graphic design.
Currently working on Mr. Honeybunch!

Other Projects
Digital Art
Clip Studio Paint
XP-Pen Art Tablet
Silhouette Cut Studio
Silhouette Cameo 4

I’ve recently started working with a tablet for my digital art (having spent most of my career drawing or designing with a mouse!)
I’m a fan of bright, bold colours and strong outlines and I particularly enjoy inking and colouring. Most recently, I’ve been experimenting with making stickers out of my artwork using the Silhouette Cameo 4.

3D Printing
Prusa i3 mk3
Hatchbox PLA
I’ve done 3D printing work professionally, creating models and props for The Storm Crow (you can see a photo of the Infinity Shots holder on the right) and the Mysterious Package Company (which I cannot post pictures of but which I assure you is very cool).
I’ve also created a few hobby projects, such as my Koffing incense burner. This was a fun challenge to design, as the burner requires enough airflow to keep the incense alight and additionally, it turns out that plastic melts when it is set on fire. To overcome this minor design flaw, I suspended a tea-strainer within the Koffing which prevented the incense from touching the bottom of the burner, allowing the incense to burn completely without melting the Koffing.
Designing models for 3D printing is an interesting challenge compared to creating models for video games, as the models have to be functional in the real-world and engineered correctly (things like gravity, for example, must be taken into consideration when printing. Also fire.)

Vector Art
Adobe Illustrator
Corel Draw
I learned to do vector art at my previous job working in the signage industry. I used Corel Draw to create designs, which were then cut out of vinyl and applied to the signage materials (or to walls, cars, or whatever else).
I have experience creating industrial laser-cut signage, vinyl decals, dimensional letters out of acrylic, banners, glass frosting, and more.
Eventually I learned to create more elaborate artwork in Corel Draw, which helped land me my first gig in the games industry, creating supplemental artwork for Cosmochoria.
Though I don’t work in the signage industry anymore, I do have my own, small hobby vinyl cutter which I use to create decals at home.

Gorilla Glue
Resin Teeth
Acrylic Paint
Another hobby of mine is sewing. Specifically, I like to create horror dolls.
These dolls are hand-stitched and made out of whatever I happen to have laying around the house. They are stuffed with plastic shopping bags and old pillows. (A bag of polyfill is ten dollars, but an old pillow is free.